Why not just add an external terabyte or 750GB USB2 drive? I got tired of 
messing around inside the case a couple years back so my DVD-RW and my larger 
drives are all external. The only time I have to pull the case open is for 
mainboard issues (none yet), power supply (on my 3rd).

I keep my important data on a ReadyNAS NV (external raid) 1.5 terabytes


James Maki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am looking to add some additional 
storage to my system and am:

1) Looking for suggestions
2) Have a question regarding Boot Drives.

I have run out of SATA ports. I currently have two of the original 37G WD
Raptors in a RAID0 as the boot array. The other ports are occupied by 320 GB
Seagate drives. So my first choice is to replace the Raptors and am
wondering if I am going to notice a slow down going from the old 10000rpm
Raptors to either a single boot drive or a RAID0 boot drive of 320GB drives.
I don't like the idea of a ~600 GB RAID0 boot array. I currently backup the
RAID0 nightly. An alternative would be to use a single 320 GB single drive. 

My next question is what drive to purchase. My system runs 24/7 and was
looking at enterprise drives from Seagate and Western Digital. The 750 GB
Caviar seems to be well price right now, actually a little cheaper per GB
than the 500 GB Caviars (at least at Zip Zoom Fly). Seagate also has an
enterprise drive, but it is over $40 more.

The last thought is to purchase one or more new 150 GB Raptors. But that
would be expensive per GB.

I have read the reviews at NewEgg and other places. The problem with the 750
GB WD is that it  seems to be that the writers either loved the drive or
complain it arrived DOA or failed after a year or so.

The end result is I am somewhat confused as to the proper course of action.

Some advice and guidance, as always, would be appreciated.


Jim Maki

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