
PC Power and Cooling power supplies are awesome, even now they are still of
good quality. 11 years of all day running is a good run, no other power
supply probably will not last t hat long.


A friend of mine and I built basically the same computer over 3 years ago. I
got a PC Power and Cooling 750 watt Silencer Power Supply and he got a OCZ
equivalent at the time (He thought the cost was too much for the PC Power
and Cooling power supply). Well, he had to replace his power supply 1 year
afterward and ended up paying more for a power supply over time. 

The only thing is I have updated the motherboard 2 times, updated the sound
card 2 times, and video card once.  Oh!  Forgot I replaced the DVDR as well.
It's nice to have a power supply to last longer than the components in the

Also, BTW all drives in system are Seagate, and no failures. Well I did have
a WD Raptor 150GB it failed 6 months ago due to Bad Sectors. All Seagate's
are still running like champs for 3 years, even the 750GB models.


Tim Lider
Sr. Data Recovery Specialist
Advanced Data Solutions, LLC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: hardware-boun...@hardwaregroup.com [mailto:hardware-
> boun...@hardwaregroup.com] On Behalf Of DSinc
> Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:45 AM
> To: Hardware Group
> Subject: [H] old trooper dies
> Last night I suffered an odd psu failure. I do so hate when old stuff
> dies; even though I expect it.
> The pc would turn on, spin up the HD, complete POST, and continue (I
> assume).  But I had no mouse, kbd, or video. Suspected severe psu sag
> or
> some huge m/b failure (asus cubx)! Swapped the psu out and the pc is
> fine again.
> The old psu was the very first PCP&C psu I ever bought back in 1998.
> This old psu has been run 24/7 since install. It was days shy of its'
> 11th complete year! I consider this good service for its' $200 cost
> back
> in 1998. It is a Turbo-Cool 300 ATX. I am doing an autopsy ATM.......
> :)
> The fan still works!
> Best,
> Duncan

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