Try some Magnetic Ferrite Core on the cables...

I do it prophylactic(ly)? to keep clean signals & sound on various things.

On 1/6/2018 9:45 AM, Brian Weeden wrote:

Clearly there's some sort of interference going on, but I can't seem to
identify the source. It comes through all the speakers at about equal
level, suggesting it's being broadcast and amplified from the receiver and
not just randomly being picked up by the wires. The wires are not
extraordinarily long - about 20 ft for the rear surrounds. I actually had
the same receiver in a previous house that was much closer to the radio
station, but didn't have any problems. All the inputs to the receiver are
HDMI (Fios TV box, HTPC, WiiU), so it's hard to see how they could be
picking up interference.

Thoughts? Suggestions?


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