I was again playing around with Haskell to learn it a bit better. I do not
found a function to turn a String into an Integer

This is what I come up with:
string_to_int_list :: String -> [Int]
-- filter out all Digits first and then turn it into a list 
-- of integers
string_to_int_list = filter (\ch -> isDigit ch)  .| map (\ch -> digitToInt ch)

int_list_to_integer:: [Int] -> Integer
int_list_to_integer li = to_integer 0 li 
    to_integer acc [] = acc
    to_integer acc (x:xs) = to_integer (acc * 10 + toEnum x) xs 

infixl 9 .|
(.|) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
g .| f = f . g 

string_to_integer :: String -> Integer
string_to_integer =  string_to_int_list .| int_list_to_integer

I guess it's nt all too bad style (comments appriciated)

But it does not work for negative numbers. I guess I can solve this just
isn't there a functions which takes e.g 
"-1" and turns that into an Integer? 

I do not found it
"-123" it should turn to '[-1,2,3]' 

Of course for negative numbers the accumulation would be bad too but that's
another story. So what I want is just function that extract all numbers out
of a String and that's it. I can't believe there isn't some function for

So my question is: Exists such a function or do I have to write it on my own? And the 
other is what would you
think would be a good Haskell soluton for turing a string to an Integer.

I'm using HUGS from Feb 2000


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