Ronny Wichers Schreur schrieb:
> If you think of the (types of) functions as domino stones,
> |. makes them fit.

And if I call the label on the stones "integer_from_string"
and "integer_from_intlist", unflipped (.) does as well.

The same applies to the other answers: On could write
f <.< g (which is just f . g) as well as g >.> f and have
data flow to the left.

George's answer about category theroists also seems not to
solve the historical questions: Classical categorists write
f o g (as SMLers do), only those who write papers about
computer science (e.g. M. Fokkinga) use a semicolon to
express flipped composition.

My guess is that someone "invented" flip (.) and then it stuck
because it was cool, but I still fail to see why it was
considered cool. But it had to be a conscient decision --
(.) is older than the flipped version.


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