Hi Tim,

I thought the packages already have the files in the correct locations?  I don’t do any copying when I pull the data locally.

Will be sending you a separate e-mail off list about the pipeline, as additional changes are required and it might be a good time to pull in some new features.



From: "Timothy B. Brown" <tbbr...@wustl.edu>
Reply-To: "tbbr...@wustl.edu" <tbbr...@wustl.edu>
Date: Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 12:20 PM
To: Matt Glasser <glass...@wusm.wustl.edu>, Dr Sampada Sinha <drsampadasi...@gmail.com>, "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org" <hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Regarding: fsl version 5.0.6

FSL v5.0.6 is currently a specific prerequisite for the pipeline scripts. There is a version of the task analysis scripts that is currently in the review process that should work with both FSL v5.0.6 and FSL v5.0.7 and above. I hope to be able to release it soon.
I may be mistaken, but I believe the file copying that is being referred to is just that necessary to get the FEAT setup files (FSF files) in the right locations to do the Task Analysis as is described in the release notes at:
Best Regards,
On Sat, Apr 11, 2015, at 12:57, Glasser, Matthew wrote:
We do need to get a version of this code compatible with current FSL out, but it is true that the code won’t run properly with FSL version greater than 5.0.6.
All of this copying of files seems concerning, as it should not be necessary.  You should simply be able to run the script if you have downloaded the appropriate package data.  
From: Dr Sampada Sinha <drsampadasi...@gmail.com>
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 11:51 AM
To: "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org" <hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>
Subject: [HCP-Users] Regarding: fsl version 5.0.6
Dear HCP experts,
I am trying to run first level Gambling task analysis. I copied and pasted the templates of feat setup files (found in Examples/Scripts) to the MNINonlinear/Results/fMRI_GAMBLING_LR( or _RL) respective directory (number of time points were same as the corresponding scans:253). Next I copied and pasted copy of E-Prime EV files in the MNINonLinear/Results subdirectory. I am getting the following error now (highlighted below):
Last login: Sat Apr 11 09:32:36 on ttys002
rmbp:~ Sampada$ export FREESURFER_HOME=/Applications/freesurfer
rmbp:~ Sampada$ source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh
-------- freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0 --------
Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
FREESURFER_HOME   /Applications/freesurfer
FSFAST_HOME       /Applications/freesurfer/fsfast
SUBJECTS_DIR      /Applications/freesurfer/subjects
MNI_DIR           /Applications/freesurfer/mni
FSL_DIR           /Applications/fsl
rmbp:~ Sampada$ cd /Volumes/HCP_Data/Pipelines-3.4.0/Examples/Scripts/
rmbp:Scripts Sampada$ ./TaskfMRIAnalysisBatch.sh 
This script must be SOURCED to correctly setup the environment prior to running any of the other HCP scripts contained here
About to use fsl_sub to queue or run /Volumes/HCP_data/Pipelines-3.4.0/TaskfMRIAnalysis/TaskfMRIAnalysis.sh
This script, TaskfMRILevel1.sh, assumes fslmaths behavior that is available in version 5.0.6 of FSL. You are using FSL version 5.0.8. Please install FSL version 5.0.6 before continuing.
This script, TaskfMRILevel1.sh, assumes fslmaths behavior that is available in version 5.0.6 of FSL. You are using FSL version 5.0.8. Please install FSL version 5.0.6 before continuing.
cat: /Volumes/HCP_Data/taskfMRI_Gambling/LS2001/MNINonLinear/Results/tfMRI_GAMBLING/tfMRI_GAMBLING_hp200_s4_level2.fsf: No such file or directory
Can't find key fmri(level)
set -- --path=/Volumes/HCP_Data/taskfMRI_Gambling         --subject=LS2001         --lvl1tasks=tfMRI_GAMBLING_RL@tfMRI_GAMBLING_LR         --lvl1fsfs=tfMRI_GAMBLING_RL@tfMRI_GAMBLING_LR         --lvl2task=tfMRI_GAMBLING         --lvl2fsf=tfMRI_GAMBLING         --lowresmesh=32         --grayordinatesres=2         --origsmoothingFWHM=2         --confound=NONE         --finalsmoothingFWHM=2         --temporalfilter=200         --vba=NO
. /Volumes/HCP_Data/Pipelines-3.4.0/Examples/Scripts/SetUpHCPPipeline.sh
rmbp:Scripts Sampada$ 
…...          …..          …..            …..              …..         ……..            …..
Do I need to download fsl version 5.0.6 now as well to run the task analysis?
Can I get any feedback please about the process which I followed from the HCP site and if I need to put the copied EV files in the respective subdirectories or LINKED_DATA files into the MNINonlinear/Results/taskfMRI directory?
Also, if I can get performance score of Gambling task, based upon which we plan to separate out the regions depending on the score.
Appreciate all your help so far!
Kind regards,
P.S.: Sorry about the font last time. I copied and pasted my question from the notes (which has an artsy font by default!)
Sampada Sinha
Post-Doctoral Associate
University of Minnesota (East Bank)
Molecular and neuroimaging laboratory
Department of Psychiatry

HCP-Users mailing list



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Timothy B. Brown
Business & Technology Application Analyst III
Pipeline Developer (Human Connectome Project)
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