I have verified again that values in my NIFTI files match with the CIFTI
files. I am confused as to why dual_regression is not giving me results
that make sense. In the attached files, fig 1 is nodetimeseries for map1,
blue for my results and green for HCP results. fig 2 is my results plotted

I have no idea if this is something with how dual_regression work with
cifti transferred data or if I am doing something wrong.


On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Yizhou Ma <maxxx...@umn.edu> wrote:

> I have just plotted the timeseries and it seems that my results doesn't
> really make sense - they look like square oscillations. HCP's results look
> like real timeseries.
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Yizhou Ma <maxxx...@umn.edu> wrote:
>> Thank you Michael. My system is failing me at this moment and it is hard
>> to plot. My dual reg results seem normal and I would not have suspected if
>> I did not compare them with HCP's results.
>> When I used a brainmask to mask the first 91282 "voxels" I get identical
>> results as when I did not use a mask.
>> Thanks,
>> Cherry
>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 10:25 AM, Harms, Michael <mha...@wustl.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, "_ts2" are dual regression; "_ts3" are the eigentimeseries.  See
>>> the section "Description of released files" in the pdf with the PTN
>>> distribution.
>>> Steve can comment on the matching issue, but I wonder if the 0's that
>>> get added to the pseudo-NIFTI file to fill out the matrix dimensions
>>> (following conversion from CIFTI) are contributing here.  You might need to
>>> use a mask that defines the actual 91282 grayordinates.  How different
>>> actually are your dual regression results vs. the "_ts2" node timeseries in
>>> the PTN distribution?  Perhaps you could create a scatterplot to illustrate
>>> the difference?
>>> cheers,
>>> -MH
>>> --
>>> Michael Harms, Ph.D.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
>>> Washington University School of Medicine
>>> Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
>>> 660 South Euclid Ave. Tel: 314-747-6173
>>> St. Louis, MO  63110 Email: mha...@wustl.edu
>>> From: Yizhou Ma <maxxx...@umn.edu>
>>> Date: Friday, July 31, 2015 10:16 AM
>>> To: Giles Colclough <giles.colclo...@gmail.com>
>>> Cc: "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org" <hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] failure to replicate dual regression 1 results
>>> (PTN nodetimeseries)
>>> Thank you Steve and Giles.
>>> Giles: I believe the pdf specified that dual regression 1 results are in
>>> /ts2 and eigentimeseries results are in /ts3, isn't it?
>>> Steve: I am confused here. I am using nifti data converted from cifti,
>>> which means that the first 91282 "voxels" of my nifti matches the 91282
>>> grayordinates in the cifti files. The two methods should be identical
>>> because they have exactly the same info, only different shapes of matrices.
>>> Isn't wb_command -cifti-convert -to-nifti the recommended way to use FSL
>>> commands on cifti data and isn't it supposed to give identical results as
>>> working with cifti directly?
>>> Best,
>>> Cherry
>>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 10:04 AM, Giles Colclough <
>>> giles.colclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi, Cherry,
>>>> Have a look at the other nodetimeseries data.
>>>> The ts2 time series are estimated using the eigen-timeseries method.
>>>> ts1 are calculated using traditional dual regression.
>>>> A fuller explanation is in the pdf available in the netmats download:
>>>> Node timeseries (individual subjects)
>>>> For a given “parcellation” (group-ICA decomposition), the set of ICA
>>>> spatial maps was mapped onto each subject's rfMRI timeseries data to derive
>>>> one representative timeseries per ICA component (for these purposes we
>>>> consider each ICA component as a network "node"). For each subject, these
>>>> 25 (or 50, 100, 200 or 300) timeseries can then be used in network
>>>> analyses, as described below. Two distinct methods were used to estimate
>>>> the node-timeseries:
>>>>    1.
>>>>    The more traditional "dual-regression stage-1" approach, in which
>>>>    the full set of ICA maps was used as spatial regressors against the full
>>>>    data, estimating one timeseries for each ICA map [Filippini 2009].
>>>>    2.
>>>>    A newer approach based on estimating the principal eigen-timeseries
>>>>    within each ICA component; this approach aims to be more robust against
>>>>    component misalignment (between the group-ICA maps and individual 
>>>> subjects'
>>>>    data) and artifacts [O’Reilly 2009, Smith OHBM 2014].
>>>>    Best,
>>>>    Giles
>>>> On 31 Jul 2015, at 15:50, Yizhou Ma <maxxx...@umn.edu> wrote:
>>>> Dear HCP experts,
>>>> I am trying to run my own dual regression on HCP's rsfMRI data. What I
>>>> did is use wb_command -cifti-convert -to-nifti to convert group ICA maps
>>>> and individual rsfMRI scans to NifTI and use FSL's dual_regression command.
>>>> *dual_regression melodic_IC.nii.gz 1 -1 0 ./test 100307_rsfMRI.nii.gz*
>>>> I was able to get dual regression results. Yet the dual regression 1
>>>> results I get does not match up with the nodetimeseries ts2 results
>>>> provided in HCP's PTN release. I have opened my group ICA maps and rsfMRI
>>>> scan in matlab to ensure that the values in them match up with the cifti
>>>> files. I have tried dual regression with another subject but still the
>>>> results did not match.
>>>> Do anyone have an idea what might have gone wrong?
>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>> Cherry
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