Hi Greg,

Thank you very much for your detailed response!

I have now generated a Movement_Regressors.mat file with the correct 24 
parameters (6 rigid body, 6 derivatives, 6 rigid body squared, 6 derivatives 
squared). As I didn't have code handy to run highpass filtering on the movement 
regressors, I based this file on the detrended movement regressors; the HCP's 
highpass filtering is described as "detrending-like", so this should 
(hopefully) give approximately the same result. I also noticed an error in my 
original highpass filtering of the fMRI data that accounts for part of the 
difference I was seeing; the correct sigma is 1389, not 1000 (cutoff = 
2*TR*sigma, so a TR of 0.72s and cutoff of 2000s requires a sigma of 1389; I 
forgot to account for the TR in my original filtering). Between the two, I am 
able to get much closer to matching the HCP's denoised data.

Regarding your second point, I think my setup is removing all of the variance 
in the movement parameters, but not in the noise ICs. fsl_glm, which is how I 
remove the movement parameters, appears to always do full regression. By 
default, though, fsl_regfilt performs partial regression of the specified noise 
ICs. But the difference regarding movement regression would definitely make a 
difference and seems to be one thing that can't be matched using FSL only.

So yes, this was very informative! Thank you again for your help.

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