Thank you for helping me understand the goals of HelenOS. Knowing the
limits of posix compliance helps. A working python helps, regardless of
version. A simple web server is easy to write, and I could do that. I
could also write a DNS server. While SSH may not be the best solution, I'd
say that it is practical. I don't know that I could easily write one from
scratch, but perhaps port OpenSSH or a simpler ssh.

But all that's for naught if there's not a writable file system. I am not
familiar enough with the internals of HelenOS to know what is required to
achieve this. Perhaps, then, this ought to be a higher priority than the
issues I had previously mentioned.

For now, I am going to use OpenBSD as the non-Linux alternative for my
group, and let other groups in the company use it as they see fit. I like
the Microkernel architecture of Minix3 & HelenOS, but Minix3 lacks some
features needed and HelenOS hasn't developed to the point where I can use
it, yet.

Robert Keyes

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