On 08/26/2010 11:30 AM, marcel wrote:
Also, it often takes 10-20 seconds to get a page to load after a
period of inactivity, compared to lightning speed for the production

If you are using the "free" heroku plan they do spin down the single dyno when not in use. This makes sense as probably a LOT of those apps are just something someone was playing with and does not use on a regular basis. Also if they are not getting paid you can understand them wanting to minimize resources.

OTOH if you pay for at least 2 dynos then they NEVER spin down meaning your app is always nice and responsive even if nobody has it it for a while.

I WISH they offered the ability to purchase 1 persistent dyno. I don't really need two (my app is lightly used) but I don't want the startup delay. Seems if they offered 1 dyno that was persistent for $5-15/month that would lower the barrier to entry for becoming a paying customer and allow them to offer a single persistent dyno without dragging their profit down.


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