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InsyAllah akan diperiksa Status Hadeeth tersebut (Bukan saya yg akan
periksa, tetapi rakan saya yang pakar 'Ulum Al-Hadeeth).Jika moderator
benarkan akan saya sertakan hujjahnya dalam hizbi net dan jika tidak saya
hanya akan tujukan khas kepada saudara Sidi Sharif dan Osman.

Sekian Wassalaam.

Sidi Shariff wrote:

> Assalamualaikum semua,
> Jawapan berikut menolak jawapan Wahhabi tentang isu Malam Nisfu
> Sya'ban.  Pada yang ingin menambahkan amal dipersilakan dan bagi yang
> terpesona dengan hujah Wahhabi anda bebas untuk memilih. Apa yang
> saya ingin kemukakan ialah: pendapat Wahhabi bukanlah yang paling
> authoritative, banyak kepincangan dan sering tidak selari dengan
> pendirian ulama Sunni muktabarah sepanjang zaman. Yang jelas Wahhabi
> memang termasuk di dalam 72 firqah yang sesat.  Kita juga berdoa
> negara Islam yang diharapkan akan bebas dari sebarang element
> Wahhabi.
> Militancy dan radicalism yang kini mencemar dunia Islam adalah hasil
> dari tafsiran bebas ulama Wahhabi akhir zaman. wasalam
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> The Night of Mid-Sha`ban (laylat al-bara'a)
> Although the majority of the commentators consider the "blessed
> night" in the above verses to refer to the Night of Decree (laylat
> al-qadr) which is considered to be in the month of Ramadan, yet the
> commentaries also mention that this "blessed night" may be that of
> mid-Sha`ban (laylat al-bara'a). This view is based on the profusion
> of hadiths on the great merits of the latter. Consequently the
> Shari`a has commended observance of that night. Concerning
> supererogatory worship on the night of mid-Sha`ban,  Imam Suyuti says
> in his Haqiqat al-sunna wa al-bid`a:
> As for the night of mid-Sha`ban, it has great merit and it is
> desirable (mustahabb) to spend part of it in supererogatory
> worship.24
> Even Ibn Taymiyya -- the putative authority of "Salafis" --
> considered the night of mid-Sha`ban "a night of superior merit" in
> his Iqtida' al-sirat al-mustaqim:
> [Some] said: There is no difference between this night (mid-Sha`ban)
> and other nights of the year. However, the opinion of many of the
> people of learning, and that of the majority of our companions (i.e.
> the Hanbali school) and other than them is that it is a night of
> superior merit, and this is what is indicated by the words of Ahmad
> (ibn Hanbal), in view of the many ahadith which are transmitted
> concerning it, and in view of what confirms this from the words and
> deeds transmitted from the early generations (al-athar al-salafiyya).
> Some of its merits have been narrated in the books of hadith of the
> musnad and sunan types. This holds true even if other things have
> been forged concerning it.25
> Among the hadiths stressing the status of laylat al-bara'a are the
> following:
> 1. Ibn Hibban narrated from Mu`adh ibn Jabal in his Sahih the
> following narration which the hadith scholar and editor of the Sahih
> Shu`ayb Arna'ut confirmed as sound:
> The Prophet said : yattali`u Allahu ila khalqihi fi laylati al-nisfi
> min sha`bana fa-yaghfiru li-jami`i khalqihi illa li mushrikin aw
> mushahin.
> Allah looks at His creation in the night of mid-Sha`ban and He
> forgives all His creation except for a mushrik (idolater) or a
> mushahin (one bent on hatred).26
> Haythami said that Tabarani also narrated it in his Kabir and Awsat
> with chains containing only trustworthy narrators, that is: sound
> (sahih) chains; Ibn Khuzayma included it in his Sahih, which has the
> same level of acceptance among the experts as Sahih Muslim; and even
> Albani included it in his Silsila sahiha!
> 2. Tirmidhi and Ahmad narrate from `Abd Allah ibn `Amr, and al-Bazzar
> with a chain he graded as fair (hasan) through the great Tabi`i
> jurist al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Siddiq:
> Allah looks upon His creatures on the night of mid-Sha`ban and He
> forgives all His servants except two: one intent on hatred, and the
> homicide.
> 3. Bayhaqi relates from `A'isha in Shu`ab al-iman with his chain of
> transmission:
> >From `A'isha: She said: The Prophet stood up in prayer during part of
> the night and made his prostration so lengthy that I thought his soul
> had been taken back. When I saw this I got up and went to move his
> big toe, whereupon he moved, so I drew back. When he raised his head
> from prostration and finished praying, he said: "O `A'isha, O fair
> little one (humayra')! Did you think that the Prophet had broken his
> agreement with you?" She replied: "No, by Allah, O Messenger of
> Allah, but I thought that your soul had been taken back because your
> stayed in prostration for so long." He said: "Do you know what night
> this is?" She said: "Allah and His Prophet know best." He said: "This
> is the night of mid-Sha`ban! Verily Allah the Glorious and Majestic
> look at His servants on the night of mid-Sha`ban, and He forgives
> those who ask forgiveness, and He bestows mercy on those who ask
> mercy, and He gives a delay to the people of envy and spite in their
> state."
> al-Azhari said:
> Concerning his words: "broken his agreement with you": this is said
> to a person who betrays his companion and therefore has not given him
> his due right.
> Bayhaqi continues:
> I say: This hadith is missing the Companion in its chain, and is a
> good hadith (hadha mursal jayyid). It is probable that al-`Ala' ibn
> al-Harith took it from Makhul, and Allah knows best.27
> 4. Tirmidhi, Ahmad, and Ibn Majah relate:
> >From `A'isha: I missed the Prophet one night so I went out to
> al-Baqi` (and found him). He said: "Were you afraid that Allah would
> wrong you and that His Prophet would wrong you?" I said: "O Messenger
> of Allah, I thought that you might have gone to visit one of your
> wives." He said: "Allah Glorious and Exalted descends to the nearest
> heaven on the night of mid-Sha`ban and He forgives to more people
> than the number of hairs on the hides of the sheep of the tribes of
> Kalb.28
> 5. Ahmad and Ibn Majah relate:
> >From `Ali ibn Abi Talib: The Prophet said: "The night of mid-Sha`ban
> let all of you spend in prayer (i.e. partly) and its day (i.e.
> preceding it) in fasting, for Allah descends to the nearest heaven
> during that night beginning with sunset and says: Is there no one
> asking forgiveness that I may forgive them? Is there no one asking
> sustenance that I may grant them sustenance? Is there no one under
> trial that I may relieve them? Is there not such-and-such, is there
> not such-and-such, and so forth until until dawn rises.29
> salam.
> --- Mohd Yaakub Mohd Yunus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Assalaamu'alaykum
> >
> > Ya Akhi Osman, jika halal berilah buktinya. Akhi, jika anta nak
> > sambut
> > silakan,
> (sniped)
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