One:  There is no "Mac Revolution".  Although the hardcore Mac fanatics
would have you believe otherwise, the number of Mac users is not increasing
at a rate substantial enough to pose any significant threat to the PC market
for decades.  From a purely technological perspective, I'd have to say that
the closed architechture model of the Mac and the ridiculous price gouging
it allows Apple to perform for both the system and any peripherals /
utilities (not that Apple hasn't routinely done this already -- witness
.Mac) prevent the Mac from evolving to a level allowing it to seriously
compete with the PC.  That said, the Mac is a perfectly acceptable platform
for what it _is_ good at, and OS X is a definite step in the right direction
after all those obsequious, restrictive operating system versions.  (What
scares me about this one is the exact opposite direction PC operating
systems seem to be going, with more and more "system-critical magic files no
one needs to fiddle around with" being progressively blocked off and/or
hidden from the user.)

Two:  Anyone believing that Palladium is an empty threat or will be killed
off by the government had better take a look at who's paying off the
politicians in Washington.  The DMCA was passed without trouble despite
enormous opposition from essentially everyone outside the entertainment
industry, and the MS/DOJ settlement was a joke.  Although Microsoft alone
probably couldn't get away with a fraud on the public of this magnitude, the
pressure from the entertainment industry (and now, apparently, a fair bit of
the technology industry) in Washington is quite capable of defeating attacks
on Palladium and similar DRM schemes.  The privacy/rights/freedom/free
software/open source people haven't scored a single major victory in the
political arena as yet, although two bills friendly to the movement have
been proposed.  Whether these will pass is anyone's guess.


Ryan "Professional Victim" Desgroseilliers

----- Original Message -----
From: "Avatar-X" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Mac VS PC

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> the IE on mac is basically Netscape with a few features. it doesnt
> support anything fancy that the PC IE supports, like text ranges, or
> activeX, or whatever.
> -av
> Phantom wrote:
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Avatar-X" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 1:22 AM
> >Subject: Re: [hlcoders] WON is really down?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>--
> >>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> >>-every piece of software ever made generally works better on the PC than
> >>on the mac. internet explorer is miles better on the PC, it's total shit
> >>on the mac. there are no good programming tools on the mac. there are no
> >>good GAMES on the mac.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >without getting too drawn into this, bits of the Mac version of IE are
> >standard complient than the Windows version of IE, so I wouldnt have said
> >on the PC is miles better :)
> >As for the rest, i cant comment, i dont have a Mac..
> >
> >/me misses his STe at times ;(
> >
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> [DRP]Avatar-X
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