> If you (or ANYONE) belive that C++ is the be all and end all of
> of games then you need to take a reality check, wake up and stop being so
> blinkered.
It's not the be all and all. But it is the base for almost any AAA game. So
you can't just shove C/C++ aside without looking back.

> Anyways, I'm not going to argue this point any more, simply because i've
> been in your postion, did some reading and researching into scripting
> systems and realised just how good they are and what you can do with them,
> and frankly i've had enuff of bashing my head against a brick wall here
> i've better things to do (like work and make a living).
> So, go through life beliving C++ is the best if you like, but if you plan
> taking your skills out into the game industry be prepared for a shock and
> kick in the teeth when they use other things as well.
The thing is that with only a scripting language Half-Life 2 modding will
never be as big. The modders basicly need the same access to the game as the
developper had, except maybe the core engine (altho there are ways aorund
the enige too). Just like the HL SDK works now. With only scripting this is
just not feasable. The scripting would be so complex and feature rich that
it would be easier to just start coding in binary code :)

The key is a combination of scriping and C/C++, just like game developpers
use. The creative staff uses the scripting language to create whatever they
want in a simple way. If it doesn't support a certain feature, it's added
with C/C++. Just like that, the modder would need the same access. If you
want to create a 'simple' mod, you can just use the scripting language only.
And you're happy it was all so simple to mod HL. On the other hand, if you
want to make a real TC, like a rally mod, you just fire up your favorite
C/C++ editor next to the script editor and start working... If you need
extra power or a new script feature, you just switch ot your C/C++ window,
code it there and then continue with the script. This way you have the best
of both worlds. And it allows the creative staff of your mod to do a lot of
coding for you with the script, while the core coding team concentrates on
the bowels of the engine.

Jeroen "ShadowLord" Bogers

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