tests it is the hl2mp sdk code in general. I have not
tried it with the MP SDK though ....


Do you mean SP?

--- "r00t 3:16" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject sum's it up..
> I try a ladder in hl2 death match and it is smooth
> as as be.
> No jerking on dm_lockdown map
> I install a fresh copy of the hl2mp sdk compile,
> run dm_lockdown go to the same ladder and get on it
> and it is jerky..
> Once you get people in the server with the hl2mp sdk
> it really jerks badly
> going up or down ladders.
> Does anyone know why the hl2 death match code works
> fine but the hl2mp sdk
> does not?
> When using cl_showpos 1 on the ladder in Half Life 2
> Deathmatch the z
> position doesn't not move at all.
> and your velocity is bounces from 0.03 to 0.00
> In the hl2mp sdk z position bounces about 0.60 up
> and down and your velocity
> bounces from 1 - 8 and you aren't moving.
> Is it a bug of some sort with the sdk ?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have
> spent about 2 hours trying
> to figure it out.... I thought it could of been my
> code but after doing some
> tests it is the hl2mp sdk code in general. I have
> not tried it with the MP
> SDK though ....
> r00t 3:16
> CQC Gaming
> www.cqc-gaming.com
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