Your Makefile is messed up. First, GAME_DIR is the location of your
Steam SRCDC installation directory. That's where the ",
etc" are. So you need the SRCDS installed on the computer you are
compiling on, basically (I suppose you could just get the .so files in
question from somewhere, but I'm not sure). .

If those files are located, for example,
/usr/local/games/steam/srcds/bin/(,, your
Makefile should read like this:


That will fix those No such file or directory errors (note: don't add
the bin/ directory to that line, as commands later on append bin/
automatically). Your CPP_LIB line is weird. Is that spread over 2
lines? Verify its all on the same line. If you are using pico or nano
or something it could be wordwrapping. And I guess both those files
are in the same directory for you (on my systems they are in different

For the GCC/G++/etc yours are probably correct, you can make sure by
typing "which gcc" and "which g++", etc in a console. It tells you the
path of where these files are. In fact, this will work too (note those
are backticks, not quotes. It tells the computer to execute the
command contained within and put the result there):

CC=`which gcc`
CPLUS=`which g++`
CLINK=`which gcc`

Make sure your Xerces paths are correct as well. XERCES_INC_DIR /
XERCES_LIB_DIR. If you installed it manually, then its hard to say
where you put it. But chances are you will get errors relating to
xerces if you set it incorrectly.

If you try compiling again and get this error:

"./vcpm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory"

Do this:


This adds the current directory to the paths of where to look for
libraries (ie, the .so files in question). Note that there is a
colon(:) and period (.) at the end there. Very important since .
represents the current directory.


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