Yet another question. This time about animstates. I'm trying to re-integrate
parts of the hl2mp animstates into alien swarm. The reason I'm doing this is
because, in alien swarm, there is no aiming anims. The marine's hands are
IK-ed onto the gun model.... And also marines don't turn their heads or
The pose parameters for the torso and head, aren't even initialised by
default, so any other char models than the marine chars will look all
twisted on itself and weird, but that's not my question.

ASW uses 9-way leg anims and it would seem the hl2mp code doesn't. As far as
I understand it, 9Way anims use a x and y move parameter for leg pos, while
the hl2mp has a move_yaw parameter instead. How can I integrate the hl2mp
aiming into the ASW player animstates without screwing up leg anims or
anything ?
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