
Allowing custom maps when sv_pure 2 is set introduces complications.
Lots of custom maps have their own models, textures, sounds and various
other assets, all of which would need to be downloaded, and it _could_
be possible for some of these assets to collide with (read: overwrite)
authentic Steam assets.

But, while I'm not a map maker and I don't fully understand how maps
work in Source (aside from that they are huge BSP trees), I do know that
assets can be included inside the actual BSP file (using bspzip from the
SDK) and thus will not collide with authentic assets, since they remain
inside the BSP file.

Perhaps this is a compromise: allow the server to load any BSP file for
the map, but as soon as it uses external (not inside the BSP file),
non-authentic assets, it aborts.  No idea whether or not that is
possible, but would certainly allow the same flexibility of having
custom maps (especially in league play) and also maintain the relative
security of enforced consistency throughout the rest of the game(s).

My two pence.


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