Is it really necessary to replace motd.txt and host.txt with updates :|

I had just set them up last night, granted it isn't a huge task, and I could
just use cvars to change the targeted files both methods are extra work :(

On the subject, I know it is low priority, but it moots all my hard work at
creating a really nice looking host image, are there any plans to fix the
ugly black bar that cuts off the image.  Not sure if it only affects certain
resolutions - I am yet to find out if it widespread but just in-case I am
running 1920x1080, and there is at least one other confirmed case, seen


Josh Bost
On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Jason Ruymen <>wrote:

> A required update for Left 4 Dead 2 has been released.  Please run
> hldsupdatetool to receive the update.  The specific changes include:
> - Fixed players getting a bad spawn position after a level transition
> Jason
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