He's been doing this for a while now. Whether it's because he's just lazy,
misunderstands the principle of a mailing list, or doesn't want Valve to
see him insulting anyone who doesn't agree with him, I can't really be sure.

I myself received a direct abusive email from him the other day because he
didn't agree with my message. Liquid Source is not a pleasant individual
and should probably be stricken from the mailing list.

I, like most of you, subscribed to this mailing list because I want to stay
informed of HLDS news and to discuss ideas with others. Not to have abuse
hurled at others or myself because someone cannot have their own way.

Now, with that unpleasant interlude out of the way, back to business?
On 9 Nov 2013 01:30, "Hutch" <hu...@halsplayground.com> wrote:

> I approve of this post as far as the two middle paragraphs go, although
> could have been worded a bit less aggressive. Had it been so, it would have
> hammered home a good conveyance of what I feel. But I think you feel the
> way I do about the ads. It drops the communal sense of what the game should
> not lose sight of.
> Liquid, you realize you are not mailing the list, rather our individual
> email accounts right?
> Hutch
> On 2013-11-08 16:39, Liquid Source wrote:
>> @Dr.McKay - You are such an ignorant, why would you agree with double
>> talk? He didn't "SAY" anything, he proposed a few half assed
>> hypothetical questions in a thinly veiled attempt to hide his support
>> for hijacking people game experience and running ad servers. You say
>> "Couldn't have said it better myself", HE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING OF VALID
>> Just because some asshat decided to change the model doesn't make it
>> right. The current model is destined for failure, those that support
>> it only support it by reflex and acceptence of the fact that they
>> can't do anything about it. There are more profitable companies still
>> following the old model (Make something, Sell something) without all
>> the sneaky handed force feeding of garbage that does nothing to
>> improve the gaming communities experience. Those of you that support
>> this test model are only screwing yourselves and those of us that
>> truly "know" into a corner, for now. Grow up and move on or contribute
>> something that actually moves gaming forward.
>> Ad servers are yet another form of scum-baggery perpetrated by the
>> lowest forms of life to take advantage of those that don't know they
>> have a choice. There should be a option box that allows users to block
>> ad servers all together by the people that game, then you would see
>> how popular that option really is. People that endeavor to get
>> something for nothing (ad server ops) are the ones that that need to
>> be weeded out and brought into the sun light. To say you are serving
>> "your" community only tells us that it's not a community at all,
>> communities aren't owned like an asset they are a shared resource and
>> should be treated as such.
>> Has anyone noticed how none of the Valve guys ever offer any
>> thoughts? That's because they don't have a plan, a plan other than
>> doing as little as possible so they can thieve as much as they can
>> from the people that buy their crappy games and hats.
>> Face it kids, after the game has been paid for Valve doesn't give a
>> shit about you, the communities or people in general.
> --
> Hutch
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