On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 07:53:42PM -0400, Ted Lemon wrote:

>.local has worked

But mostly because ordinary humans never see it.  That's what's not
clear to me.

Is this a name that will mostly be hidden by user-interface sugar
(which is mostly how it works with mDNS -- please don't tell me about
ssh.  That's not our audience, I maintain)?  If so, then any domain
will do, and putting it under arpa would be fine.

Is it a name that we expect people often to use in you-type-it-in
contexts?  If so, then the story is very different.

In any case, I'd really like "translation" to be off the table.  We
are not competent to do that, and anyway we're specifying a permanent
part of infrastructure that will not be able to evolve as (say)
language evolves.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

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