> On 18 Sep 2016, at 18:20, Massimiliano Stucchi <m...@stucchi.ch> wrote:
Quick response from me, eh?
>> Additionally, this is an ADSL connection so I need a pppoe connection to
>> my external modem, including a username/password. What’s the canonical
>> way to add this extra step with hnetd?  I can add it to a uci interface
>> (even an interface not called WAN) and the connection is made, but I
>> don’t know whether this will interfere with hnet. 
> I have a similar situation, although on a fiber connection that requires
> PPPoE for IPv4.  I solved it like this:
> config interface 'homenet4'
>       option ifname 'eth0.6'
>       option proto 'pppoe'
>       option username 'username'
>       option password 'password'
> config interface 'homenet4ext'
>       option ifname 'pppoe-homenet4'
>       option proto 'hnet'
>       option mode 'external'
>       option _orig_ifname 'pppoe-homenet4'
> Basically, you "piggyback" on the interface created by PPPoE to use it
> for hnet.

That approach made great strides. However, when my ISP resets the dsl link, 
IPv4 disappears from my internal networks. I can still log into the router over 
ipv6 (usually). If I do get onto the router, than restarting the network is 
usually sufficient, although sometimes the wifi does not restart at all. 

My guess is that there’s  a missing hook somewhere to hnetd and deleted subnets 
are not getting re-added. I’ve not managed to spot where in the reams of log 
data. I can at least reproduce the issue by resetting the modem (which is 
external to the router).

Is this a problem that you’ve encountered?

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