I'm interested if we can open this up to a pool larger than archive.org even 
though there is great content there. I surf the bargain bins and buy a lot of 
media from yard sales.

My library is almost 95% sourced second hand. P2P counts as second hand right? 


On August 25, 2019 5:13:25 PM UTC, lostnbronx <lostnbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 8/25/19, Jeroen Baten <jba...@i2rs.nl> wrote:
>> Sounds like fun. Create a review panel, record the review. Let's do a
>> tryout.
>> Regards,
>> Jeroen Baten
>I think there was a film review series on HPR a while back that was a
>group chat thing. That's a real hassle to edit (at least, I find it to
>be). I'm more interested in something that's just run & gun, where
>I'll record the show when I'm driving around in the car. It makes the
>editing simple, and if it's not simple, I'm not likely to keep doing
>This would not, in any way, preclude others from doing reviews for the
>series in whatever ways they'd like. For myself, simple and easy means
>I can maintain it over time.

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