On 2020-02-13 15:55, yann...@frenchguy.ch wrote:
> I guess I expected a little more recognition towards HPR for helping
> launch the podcast. HPR is about sharing, and I felt this was more
> "using" than "sharing".

The bar to submit is a Creative Commons show that "is of interest to
hackers". But I get your point, and for that very reason we include the
promo to thank our hosting providers in every show.

> Because if "as long as the subject matter [...] is of interest to
> hackers" is enough, then why not do plain syndication of stuff that are
> of interest ?

Ahhh yes. The entire debate occurred back in 2012.

At the time we had one day a week dedicated to Syndicated Shows. It got
to a point that hosts were having to wait weeks to get their shows
scheduled. At the time we did not have the "select your own slot", so
shows would get moved down when new hosts came.

Suffice to say people were not happy.

> Yannick.

In hindsight we should post these shows in their own series so that
everyone knows that this is a one time promotion.

I want to say as well that I always check that every show is licensed
correctly and, as far as I can, that the show has not been previously
posted somewhere else. Just this week we have had this happen. Normally
we don't publicize when we do this, as it could be just an error on the
contributors part.


Ken Fallon

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