Good afternoon,

I am Computer Science student at ETH Zürich in the 2nd semester of my
Master of Science Programme. I already have programming experience from
working in industry and on many academic projects throughout my studies.
However, I have never engaged in the development of the open source
software. Therefore, GSoC is the unparalleled opportunity for me to fully
emerge in the open source community and gain knowledge necessary to
continue open source contributions after the end of the programme.

I am particularly interested in the HPX library because this is very close
to my research interests and my specialization at ETH Zürich, which is
Distributed Systems. I am familiar with distributed computing paradigms and
problems occurring while managing clusters of machines both from
theoretical courses, reading scientific papers and (most recently) working
on a large-scope semester project. The task was the design, development and
deployment of the network load-balancing middleware, followed by the series
of automated experiments with synthetic traffic. Conducting experiments
allowed me to hone my bash scripting skills and exposed me to the problems
connected with managing cluster of 8 machines (including scheduling and
collecting data). The above described project was summarized in the report
which I link here (link to project report
In the current semester I will (among other projects) be working on the
project focused on reducing the network traffic in the data centre.

Another reason for my interest in HPX is that I have been on the IRC
channel and mailing list of the Ste||ar Group for a few weeks now and I am
really fascinated by the great atmosphere on the communication channels. It
is at the same time structured and allows for effective information flow
but is also cordial and makes me want to be part of this community.

The projects of my interest are:

1. HPX Backend for OpenCV.
2. Script Language Bindings.

I am primarily interested in these projects because they both combine two
different technologies and I am convinced that connecting existing and
well-tested technologies is generally of great value. What is more I am
sure that developing backend for OpenCV or script language bindings will
contribute to further increase of the HPX's reach.

I have successfully built the HPX library on my machine (linux) and went
through examples. While building the HPX I discovered interesting issue
with newest boost. It is including the architecture tag in the library
names and consequently cmake is unable to locate the library files. For now
I switched to older version of boost and also created PR to update
documentation (#3214 <>)

Finally I would like to ask about suggestions and directions for my next
steps i.e. writing a detailed proposal, including scope of the projects and
detail schedule of development stages.

I have already seen a hint from Adrian Serio about Script Language Bindings
and making myself familiar with other scripting language bindings is in my

> Look at the work we have completed with other scripting languages here (

If there were some suggestions about HPX backend for OpenCV I must have
missed them and I will simply start by going over implementation of
parallelism in OpenCV with the use of OpenMP.


Jakub Golinowski
(IRC nick: jakub_golinowski)
hpx-users mailing list

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