Hi all,

I support the WG adoption of this data model draft for I2NSF
consumer-facing interface.
The feasibility of this data model has been verified with I2NSF hackathon
implementation, so I believe this is a good basis for WG collaboration.

Best regards,

2018년 1월 27일 (토) 오전 8:24, Linda Dunbar <linda.dun...@huawei.com>님이 작성:

> The authors of I2NSF Consumer-Facing Interface YANG Data Model
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jeong-i2nsf-consumer-facing-interface-dm-04
> Have requested working group adoption of this draft.
> Please bear in mind that WG Adoption doesn’t mean that the draft current
> content is ready, WG Adoption only means that it is a good basis for a
> working group to work on.
> While all feedback is helpful, comments pro or con with explanations are
> much more helpful than just "yes please" or "no thank you".
> Thank you.
> Linda & Yoav
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