On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 01:32:49AM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> >Part of the honest worry about these issues comes from very good 
> >reasons not to just trust everyone. But it also seems that e.g. Debian 
> >needs to widen its circle of trust to include experts in wider 
> >varieties of programming. There are plenty of trustworthy Smalltalkers 
> >and Squeakers, and there is absolutely no reason that some should not 
> >be on call to deal with perceived problems.
> Depending on interpretation, I think we all agree on that. Including the 
> Debian ftpmasters.
> Debian in reality trusts all upstreams. And ideally discuss any changes, 
> including security fixes, with upstream authors.
> At the same time, Debian in theory trusts no upstreams: Each Debian 
> package maintainer is expected to understand the maintained package(s) 
> well enough to ensure that the code is reliable. Yes, it is often an 
> impossible task. But still a sane goal, as long as not blindly assumed 
> working in reality.
> If you mean that Debian ought to trust upstream to fix bugs and take 
> care of security issues _instead_ of its own package maintainers, then I 
> disagree: I believe *both* upstream and the distribution-specific 
> routines should be applied in parallel.
> Some bugs and flaws can even be caused by the context of the 
> distribution, so impossible for upstream to spot. An obvious example is 
> a makefile generating a private key for strong encryption, and the 
> packaging routines then distributing same pre-compiled private key to 
> all systems worldwide. In theory upstream authors should have 
> distinguished the "configure", "build" and "install" phases, but reality 
> is much more complex. There are many more ways than even using 
> makefiles. As you would know - snapshotting your live "world" and 
> distributing that as "source"... :-)

Patches can be applied to an image quite easily from the command

squeak upstream.image mypatch.cs

This is also automatable from within squeak as well. The oldest
and most reliable method is the squeak update stream, which
applies a linear stream of patches to get from minor version to
minor version.

a .cs file (changeset) can run any squeak code to patch the
image in any way possible, usually by changing the loaded code.

Matthew Fulmer -- http://mtfulmer.wordpress.com/
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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