Hi Folks…
Although it may seem a nice idea to propose translations into many languages, 
at this time I feel translations should be restricted to those language groups 
that have the XO hardware to use Sugar, like those in Peru and Haiti. Trying to 
add some of the Native American languages, where the hardware is not available 
is a futile exercise. 
At the same time, we need an increased effort to work on the porting of the top 
Sugar Activities to Sugarizer. That is where we can reach children and young 
people everywhere because the needed hardware is already in their hands.
A recent conversation I had with Samson Goddy in Nigeria went something like 
C: What computers will you be using with the students?S: InfinityC: How many 
will you have?S: TwoC: But do most of them have smartphones?S: Yeah.
He agrees with me that we should be supporting Sugarizer so we can take 
advantage of the hardware the students already have.
So, along with these comments, I submit:  Simultaneous translation of Sugar 
Activities to their Sugarizer counter-parts is something that should be taken 
How many of you folks can do JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS? Those are the skills 
needed to do this. You can get these skills online if you want to help. Please 
contact me and Lionel Laske if you are willing to help with this.
BTW… SOS (Sugar On A Stick) is not really a viable option.  I have tried it 
with teachers in a workshop and they found it too complicated to use and were 
afraid of infecting their computers with a virus. It was a great idea, 5 years 
ago. But, it is time to move on and Sugarizer is the direction of the future.
From: s...@unleashkids.org
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 10:02:19 -0400
To: la...@somosazucar.org
Subject: Re: [IAEP] Priority languages to translate Sugar
CC: iaep@lists.sugarlabs.org

I added Haitian Creole, even though it's already been partly translated, 
because the quality of the translations is weak and not finished. I know there 
was some talk in the past about hiring a firm - Educa Vision - to do the 
translations and contribute a Haitian Creole dictionary app, but I don't know 
the status of any of that because I was not really involved in it.
On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 2:00 AM, Laura Vargas <la...@somosazucar.org> wrote:
Here is the first draft of the list for the Sugar translation pending projects. 
Hopefully, to be cosidered by the Sugar Projects Translation Fund:
I have tried to summarize to the best of my knowledge current initiatives from 
local Communities in America. If you have an idea or project to add please 
share the context/continent and relationship of the language with the SugarXO 
Community, and thanks in advance.

2016-07-09 11:25 GMT-05:00 Sebastian Silva <sebast...@fuentelibre.org>:

    El 09/07/16 a las 01:48, Laura Vargas escribió:


              Recalling Claudia's proposal to make a priority
                languages list for Sugar translations, here in Perú I
                did an informal survery with the team of the Dirección de 
Lenguas Indígenas del
                    Ministerio de Cultura, and noticing we already have
                    Quechua, Aymara and Awajún, they suggested (in no
                        specific order):


              - Ashaninka http://bdpi.cultura.gob.pe/pueblo/ashaninka

            - Wampis http://bdpi.cultura.gob.pe/pueblo/wampis

          - Shipibo http://bdpi.cultura.gob.pe/pueblo/shipibo-konibo


    Let's add Cherokee, possibly Navajo and Lakota?


    To better word a phrase I wrote in another thread:

    I do believe the mere possibility of attaining fluency in technology
    and properly appropriable informatics holds the promise to empower
    native cultures to better cope with modernity and even assume
    leadership in it.


        Is someone managing such list already?



                  Laura V.

                    I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org

                    IRC kaametza


                    Happy Learning!




IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)


Laura V.


Identi.ca/Skype acaire

IRC kaametza

Happy Learning!


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)



IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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