Pak Koesoema ...
Apakah berita dibawah ini bisa menunjukkan bahwa evolusi merupakan sebuah
scientific fact ?

Dalam pertempuran hebat melawan penyakit infeksi manusia telah mempunyai
senjata pemusnah yang cukup canggih --> Antibiotik. Namun 'Antibiotic
resistance'merupakan contoh jelas tentang evolusi akibat natural selection.
Bakteria berevolusi sangat cepat, kalao dulu kita belajar evolusi sebagai
proses yang lamaaa jutaan tahun, sat ini terlihat dan teramati dalam waktu
mingguan atau bulanan saja ...Dan pertempuran berjalan terus.
Bad newsnya --> Bakteri ini saling tukar menukar gene seperti tukar menukar
kartu saja dan -- 'evolve quickly'.
Good news-nya .... kita sudah belajar teori evolusi selama 150 tahun sejak
Darwin dkk, manusia sudah sedikit tahu rule of the game-nya ....

Nah dapatkan kita memenangkan pertandingan ini .....


Yang daku maksud soal "high speed evolution" ada di :
In the battle against infectious disease, humankind has inadvertently given
rise to deadly enemies. Antibiotic resistance is a stunning example of
evolution by natural selection. Bacteria with traits that allow them to
survive the onslaught of drugs can thrive, re-ignite infections, and launch
to new hosts on a cough. Evolution generates a medical arms race. The bad
news is that bacteria -- with their fast doubling times and ability to swap
genes like trading cards -- evolve quickly. The good news is that in the 150
years since Darwin, we have grown to understand the rules of the race. But
can we win this war?

ternyata ada satu rule baru yang kita tahu ..... --> ternyata ada speed

Source:   Michigan State University (

Date:   Posted 1/19/1999

Evolution Seems To Have Speed Limits, Microbial Study Shows

EAST LANSING, Mich. - Some of the world's most notorious disease-causing
organisms are ones that evolve quickly to cope with their environment. Now,
a team of MSU scientists has learned about what controls the speed of
evolutionary adaptation.
The answers, as reported in the Jan. 15 edition of Science, may provide
clues to controlling fast mutating disease-causing organisms such as E. coli
and HIV, or pumping up beneficial bacteria, such as those that degrade toxic
compounds, said Richard Lenski, an evolutionary biologist in the Michigan
State University Center for Microbial Ecology.

"People find it intrinsically interesting to watch evolution in action,"
Lenski said. "And there is special interest in understanding the evolution
of disease-causing organisms."

Lenski and his team of researchers working with colonies of E. coli bacteria
discovered that it is possible to put organisms on an evolutionary fast
track - but they also learned that that fast track has a speed limit.

For an organism to adapt, it needs two processes: mutation and natural
selection. Mutation is a random change in the organism's genetic structure.
Most mutants are harmful and don't survive. Occasionally, however, a
mutation brings a useful change. Natural selection is the process that
amplifies the useful mutations. If the mutations are useful, they survive
and multiply.

The MSU team used E. coli bacteria as a model, in part because they
reproduce rapidly. In about 100 days, 1,000 generations were watched.
Lenski's team increased the supply of mutations in two ways: They increased
the E. coli numbers and they used strains of bacteria that have elevated
mutation rates.

Meanwhile, the first generations were put on ice for storage. Later, they
were thawed and put into competition with their descendants to measure how
well the new family lineage had evolved.

"In effect, we resurrect their ancestors from the dead," Lenski said. "We
resurrect them, they eat glucose and reproduce, and we quantify how they
compete with their descendants."

The result: Increasing the number of mutations speeds up evolution. Even
though there are more detrimental mutations, natural selection still ensured
the survival of the fittest beneficial mutations.

The new generations of bacteria ultimately were made stronger by their
beneficial mutations and were able to out-compete their ancestors.

Yet the speed-up process had limits - bucking a widespread view among
biologists. At a point, many mutations don't bring more rapid adaptability.

Lenski has a theory about why at some point the beneficial mutations exhaust
their power. Because E. coli reproduces asexually, they are unable to
combine the strength of mutations from different individuals. Eventually, it
appears two beneficial mutants end up competing against each other and begin
to cancel out the overall benefit to the generation.

These findings, Lenski said, also may help explain recent studies showing
that disease-causing bacteria may have higher mutation rates than their
non-pathogenic counterparts. One possible explanation may be that pathogens
often experience bottlenecks.

A bottleneck is when a pathogen has to greatly reduce its population size to
set up shop in a new host. Lenski uses a sneeze as an example: A droplet of
sneeze contains millions of cold viruses. The immune system of the recipient
of the sneeze would kill off virtually all of the germs. But a very few
would get in through the bottleneck.

That means those few hardy viruses would have to reproduce rapidly and adapt
quickly to become a full-blown cold and that it's likely those germs have
higher mutation rates.

"In the case of disease-causing bacteria, it's sort of an arms race," Lenski
said. "We would like to slow down our opponent. As a start, we would like to
know what controls the rate at which our opponent adapts."

The creating of evolution in a test-tube continues work Lenski introduced in
January 1995 with another Science publication using some 3,000 generations
of E. coli to "replay life's tape" to recreate scenarios of evolution.

Lenski was joined in research by postdoctoral students Arjan de Visser and
Clifford Zeyl, graduate student Philip Gerrish and Jeffrey Blanchard from
the University of Oregon.

The research was funded in part by the National Science Foundation.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Michigan
State University for journalists and other members of the public. If you
wish to quote from any part of this story, please credit Michigan State
University as the original source. You may also wish to include the
following link in any citation:

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