Ini joint press release SBY-GWB dari milis lain (kesahihan tidak

Soal EMOI dan Cepu nggak ada disinggung-singgung tuh....Yang ada Cuma :

"The two Presidents encouraged their delegations to continue to make
further progress in resolving outstanding trade issues, with the aim of
broadening and deepening our economic relationship. "

Gak tahu deh apa ada arti2 tersirat dibelakangnya....


Office of the Press Secretary


For Immediate

May 25, 200 5




President George W. Bush and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
today reaffirmed the
longstanding friendship between the United States of America and the
Republic of Indonesia and
committed to expand and deepen their cooperation based on partnership
and our shared values of
democracy and pluralism. The two leaders held productive
discussions on
issues of mutual concern
at the bilateral, regional, and global levels.

President Bush and President Yudhoyono exchanged
on the successful
conduct of their respective elections last year. President Bush
applauded Indonesia's enormous
strides in building a durable democracy and noted that these
truly reflect the determination
and democratic spirit of the Indonesian people. Mindful of the
importance of rule of law in building
democracy and prosperity, the two Presidents agreed to establish a
interagency working group
to share experience and enhance cooperation on various justice-sector
issues and related issues of
mutual interest.

On behalf of the American people, President Bush once again
expressed his sympathy to the
Indonesian people and their government over the catastrophic loss of
life and the material
destruction caused by recent earthquakes and the December 2004
He reiterated the
commitment of the American people to stand by those affected as they
rebuild, and he announced that
Indonesia will receive $400 million of the total $857 million
by the U.S. Government for
earthquake and tsunami relief and reconstruction. The United States
offered to rebuild the Banda
Aceh-Meulaboh highway - a 240-kilometer road with over 110 bridges
serves as a lifeline for
much of the west coast of Aceh province - setting aside $245 million
the effort. The United
States will also work with local and national authorities to rebuild
homes, schools, and clinics and
re-establish the means for the people of Aceh to return to work. The
two Presidents pledged to work
together to develop a Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Action
to increase Indonesia's
capacity to respond to disasters of all kind. While stressing that
primary responsibility for
dealing with the tsunami disaster and its consequences lies with the
government and people of
Indonesia, President Yudhoyono expressed deep appreciation for the
outpouring of sympathy and
generous financial assistance from the government of the United
and private American
citizens. Recognizing the achievement of private U.S. citizens and
companies in raising more than
$1.4 billion for relief and reconstruction of the affected areas, the
two Presidents welcomed the
outcome of the Private Sector Summit held in Washington, D.C., on 12
2005. They commended
the efforts of the private sector, led by former Presidents George
and Bill Clinton, in
generating such generous contributions for the tsunami victims.

President Bush emphasized his government's support for
territorial integrity and
reiterated that the United States opposes secessionist movements in
part of Indonesia. He noted
that a strong, united, democratic, and prosperous Indonesia will
as a force for stability and
progress in Asia and beyond. The President noted that reconstruction
offers the opportunity for a
new beginning in Aceh and gave his full support for President
Yudhoyono's strong efforts to promote
peace. He welcomed the ongoing talks to achieve a peaceful and
solution to the conflict,
based on special autonomy within the framework of a united Indonesia.

President Bush and President Yudhoyono underscored their strong
commitment to fight
terrorism, which threatens the people of both nations and undermines
international peace and
security. The two leaders rejected any link between terrorism and
religion and pledged to continue
to work closely at the bilateral, regional, and global levels to

President Bush and President Yudhoyono endorsed cultural and
educational exchange visits
and interfaith dialogue as means for promoting tolerance, mutual
and mutual understanding.
The two Presidents pledged to work together to support such
initiatives. President Bush welcomed
President Yudhoyono's intention to send prominent Indonesian Islamic
scholars to the United States
to promote inter-faith dialogue.

President Bush and President Yudhoyono agreed that normal
relations would be in
the interest of both countries and undertook to continue working
that objective. The two
Presidents welcomed the resumption of Indonesia's participation in
International Military Education
and Training (IMET) as an important step. They also looked forward
the convening of the Third
Indonesia-United States Security Dialogue in Jakarta in mid-2005 and
called for further meetings of
the Bilateral Defense Dialogue. They also praised the excellent
humanitarian cooperation between
the U.S. military and the Indonesian military during the tsunami
emergency relief operations in
Aceh. President Yudhoyono reaffirmed his commitment to further
strengthen military reform,
civilian control, and accountability. President Bush pledged his
support in these efforts.
Encouraged by progress in the investigation of the 2002 incident in
Timika, President Yudhoyono
reaffirmed that he would intensify efforts to ensure that the suspect
indicted by a U.S. Federal court
for the 2002 Timika killings is apprehended and that all those
responsible for these crimes are
brought to justice.

The two Presidents discussed ways to strengthen U.S.-Indonesia
economic cooperation and
trade relations. President Yudhoyono briefed President Bush on his
approach to Indonesia's
development, which he termed "pro-growth, pro-job, and pro-poor." He
also noted the urgent need
to improve Indonesia's infrastructure and he invited Americans to
participate in that undertaking.
President Bush welcomed President Yudhoyono's determination to
economic reform, to
combat corruption, and to improve the business and investment
Accordingly, the Presidents
welcomed the $10 million G-8 pilot project to assist Indonesia in its
efforts to improve the business
climate. Stressing the benefits of an open trading system, the two
Presidents welcomed the
resumption of Trade and Investment Council (TIC) talks, after a
five-year hiatus, under the
U.S.-Indonesia Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA). The
encouraged their delegations to continue to make further progress in
resolving outstanding trade
issues, with the aim of broadening and deepening our economic
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