On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 07:40:28 -0400, larry macioce <mace1...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I know several of you on here have migrated from unsupported levels of one
>z/OS to a supported level, but in reading the planning guide I see:
>If you are migrating to z/OS V1R11 from z/OS V1R8 or earlier, you are
>from a release that is no longer supported for migration. Contact your IBM
>representative to find out what alternatives are available
>I know this is IBM talk for pay us and we will do it, but I'd really like to
>try it myself.
>We are a vanilla shop so there are not real gotcha here, we are a monoplex
>and we do run quite a bite of 3rd party software, which will  be upgraded
>Tell me if I am wrong, but my BIG concern are the catalogs, if they get
>buggered up then I am in trouble. What I am thinking about doing is create a
>second set of catalogs, with nothing updating them,
>and connecting those to test with. If that works then disconnect those and
>connect the real catalogs.
>From the way it looks I don't think I can order any toleration ptfs or
>coexistence ptfs as again we are unsupported. I have just begun to read the
>planning guide but am put off by the above statement.
>The reason I am at an unsupported level is a management goof up with IBM
>that took several years to reconcile and so here I am.
>I know I am missing a ton, so please point me specific directions with what
>I need. I will be doing this by myself as the only other person here is a vm
>guy so all help is appreciated.

I'm sure you can search the archives for past posts about this. You won't
be the first nor last to do it.
Tom Conley gave a nice presentation recently at SHARE in Denver:
Successful Unsupported z/OS Upgrade Paths for Trailing Edge Shops

What version are you coming from?  Old or ancient?

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

What level are you coming from pray tell?

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