(Scott Ford) writes:
> Well 1987 wow before the real firewalls. Security was on the inbound/outbound 
> dial devices. Also worked VM, cut my teeth on VM/SP1
> , loved VM, still do, I can how a exec would cause major pain in a VM system, 
> no 
> doubt. z/OS would be a bit tougher I would think, plus a pre-req would be 
> enough 
> knowledge to get in and be able to execute, plus passwords and ids...A lot of 
> research and work ...just to hack a MF

re: Fear the Internet, was Cool Things 
You Can Do in z/OS Fear the Internet, was Cool Things 
You Can Do in z/OS

big difference between internal network and the internet in the 80s
... was that all internal network links (that left corporate premise)
had to be encrypted. could be a big pain ... especially when links
crossed certain national boundaries. in the mid-80s, it was claimed that
the internal network had over half of all link encryptors in the world.

company also did custem encrypting PC (2400 baud) modems for corporate
home terminal program. there is folklore that one high-ranking (EE
graduate) executive was setting up his own installation at
home. supposedly at one point he stuck his tongue in rj11 jack (to see
if their was any juice ... old EE trick) ... just as the phone
rang. After that there was a corporate edict that all modems made by the
company had to have the jack contacts recessed sufficiently so babies
(and executives) couldn't touch them with their tongue.

i had an HSDT (high-speed data transport) project and was dealing with
T1 links & higher speed. T1 link encryptors were really expensive
... but you could get them ... but I to start work on my own to go
significantly faster. misc. past posts mentioning HSDT

big difference in worms/viruses (and various other exploits) and social
engineering ... is that social engineering requires active participation
by the victim (current flavors frequently advertise download & execute
things, frequently of very dubious nature; games, videos, etc). allowing
users to execute arbitrary (unvetted) programs was identified as
vulnerability at least back in the 70s (if not the 60s).

somewhat more recent thread (with some of my comments copied from
another venue)

How is SSL hopelessly broken? Let us count the ways; Blunders expose
huge cracks in net's trust foundation

with regard to above ....

we had been called in to consult with small client/server startup that
wanted to do payment transactions on their server, they had also
invented this technology called SSL they wanted to us (the result is now
frequently called "electronic commerce"). By the time we were finished
with the deployments ... most of the (current) issues were very evident.

very early in the process I had coined the term "comfort certificate"
... since the digital certificate actually created more problems than it
solved ... in fact, in many cases, it was totally redundant and
superfluous ... and existed somewhat as magic "pixie dust" ... lots of
old posts mentioning SSL digital certificates:

There was two parts of SSL deployment for "electronic commerce"
... between the browser and webserver and between the webserver and the
"payment gateway" ... I had absolute authority over interface deployment
involving "payment gateway" ... but had only advisory over
browser/webserver. There were a number of fundamental assumptions
related to SSL for browser/webserver secure deployment ... that were
almost immediately violated by merchant webservers (in large part
because of the high overhead of SSL cut their throughput by 85-90%). I
had mandated mutual authentication for webserver/gateway (implementation
didn't exist originally) and by the time deployment was done the use of
SSL digital certificates was purely a side-effect of the crypto library
being used.

the primary use of SSL in the world today is electronic commerce for
hiding payment transaction information. The underlying problem is the
transaction information is dual-use both authentication and needed by
dozens of business processes in millions of of places around the
world. In the X9A10 financial working group we (later) directly
addressed the dual-use problem with the x9.59 financial standard
(directly addressing the problem, x9.59 is significantly lighter weight
than SSL as well as KISS). This eliminated the need to hide the
transaction details ... also eliminates the threat from majority of data
breaches (doesn't eliminate data breaches, just eliminates crooks being
able to use the information for fraudulent purposes). Problem (as
always) is there is significant vested interests in the current status

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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