Pinnacle wrote:

> Tom,
> I tested this in the old days of SLED DASD, and the directory was a 
> keyed track and you COULD NOT store a member in the directory track.  It 
> always took 2 tracks minimum for a PDS (of course, this has not been 
> true for about 15 years).
> Regards,
> Tom Conley
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


I agree with (the other) Tom - I don't think this has ever been true.
I just tried making a member in a new single track PDS under MVS 3.8
and it worked without a problem - and that software is more than
20 years old.

There would be an increased statistical likelihood that the first member
would start at the start of a track because it is possible that there
is not enough room after the directory to fit a data block on the last
directory track.  But there seems to be nothing to prevent it in general
- which is good because that matches my recollection from those times.

BTW, on the cylinders vs tracks allocation point, I think that if a data
set is allocated in cylinders then the access method can use the MT
bit (the Multi Track bit is the x'80' bit in the CCW opcode) when building
search channel programs, thus reducing CPU overhead and the chance
of RPS miss.

For example, for search-key-equal-or-high, a x'69' CCW can search
a track, while a x'E9' CCW can search till the end of the cylinder.  Note
that the end of extent being on a cylinder boundary is important, not
that the extent starts on a cylinder boundary.  At least that what I've

Mind you, I think this is all superceded by ECKD now-a-days.


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