On Wed, 9 Jan 2008 13:33:41 EST, Ira Broussard 

>I think you are confusing "complementary" (serving to fill out or  
>with "complimentary" (given free).

And being the world's worst speller, I would have made the same 
mistake.   If I were cynical I might even think the name of the 
session was intended to be misinterpreted.

We looked at the session manager product a year or 2 ago.
Hopefully the product has been improved since then.  And hopefully
sales people currently pushing it understand it better than the ones
presenting the product to us.   They perhaps knew something about
the session manager part; they knew *nothing* about the Tn3270
server part.  They had no idea that their lack of support for Tn3270E
implied that their Tn3270 server was about 10 years out of date.

Considering that IBM already has (IMO) a good Tn3270(E) server
and 2 pretty good session managers, trying to foist this product
off rather than implementing the support in their existing products
was more of an insult than a compliment.  (And I'm not really so
sure that eliminating that intermediate VTAM step between the
Tn3270 server and the session manager is worth much effort in
the first place.)

Hopefully the other complementary tools have more going for them.

Pat O'Keefe


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