Serialization, performance, auxiliary storage and
a related hardware realization:

On Aug 2, 2012, at 07:46, Wayne Driscoll wrote:

> I would assume the pother is because OIL and NIL are macros that provide 
> or and and processing with serialization.  Your notation fails to provide 
> serialization. It should be relatively easy to create an XIL macro based 
> on OIL or NIL however.
I was about to write that, then I RTFM.  The P[ro]Ops describes
NILL and OILL as quite different from NIL and OIL.  A cursory
reading does not show whether they are atomic for serialization
in a MP environment.

> From:   John Gilmore <>
> Date:   08/02/2012 07:12 AM
> Any standard logic text establishes that
> o AND, inclusive OR, and NOT are together universal,
> o NOR alone is universal, and
> o NAND alone is universal.
> Thus, in an obvious notation,
> XOR(a,b) =df (a | b) & (¬(a & b))
> What is all the pother about?
That such a scheme requires auxiliary storage.

That it is slower than a likely hardware implementation.

That it may further require locking in a MP environment.

Back in the Day of TTL SSI/MSI logic components, I looked
at the spec sheets of two chips.  The specs included low
level circuit diagrams.

One vendor called its component MSI and used roughly the
formula you give.

The other called its component SSI (fewer transistors) and
accomplished the function by connecting "a" to the emitter
of one transistor and "b" to its base, giving (a & ¬b).
"b" was connected to the emitter and "a" to the base of
a second transistor, giving (b & ¬a).  The collectors were
connected in parallel for (a & ¬b) | (b & ¬a), give or take
a totem-pole output stage and a liberal seasoning with
De Morgan's laws.

A very clever and efficient disuse of what any standard
logic text establishes.

-- gil

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