On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 3:54 PM Lionel B Dyck <lbd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Be aware you will have to learn a few new tricks with the Co:Z SFTP server
> from the client side unless you are happy with only binary transfers. And
> neither FileZilla or WinSCP provide an escape value to issue the necessary
> commands to switch from binary to text.
Thanks Lionel,

If you use GUIs much, it is often convenient to set up file name pattern
specific settings in your $HOME/.ssh//etc/ssh/cozsftp_server_config  file.
  See:  https://dovetail.com/docs/sftp/session-config.html

For example:

pattern: //*.JCL(*)

You could also make "mode=text" the default for your userid in this file,
but then you would need to change it when doing binary.

You *can* change settings interactively from most SFTP GUIs like FileZilla -
-  change directories to the "/+" directory (you will see your current
-  rename  the ".newoption" pretend file in that directory to the option
that you want to set

WinSCP has unique problems: it starts one SFTP connection for directory
displays, and one or more for file transfers.   This is a little silly
since you can do multiple things at a time on one connection.   This means
that you can't change a /+ setting in the GUI and have it apply to file

I don't use Windows much, but my favorite SFTP GUI is "BitVise", which
includes an SSH emulator and SFTP client.

Kirk Wolf

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