I was on one project that did that, with XEDIT macros to make it easier to 
adhere to our standards. For the initial design review a module was boilerplate 
plus comments. When there was a design change then the the existing code was 
left alone and the design comments were update prior to the design review. The 
biggest hassle was getting people to read everything before the reviews. I 
never understood why code and design reviews weren't universal.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of 
Jesse 1 Robinson [jesse1.robin...@sce.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Coding for the future

Can't say I ever participated, but I've heard the strategy of writing only 
comments, then gathering a group of folks in a room to review the 'code'. 
Participants don't need to know the underlying language, or any language for 
that matter. It sounds exciting.

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Charles Mills
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 9:29 AM
Subject: (External):Re: Coding for the future

*** EXTERNAL EMAIL - Use caution when opening links or attachments ***

> I developed the habit of writing documentation first

A thousand and one +1's!!!

I can't say that I always do it, but I can say that I am always happier with 
the result when I do.

It is usually easier to write code that implements some easy-to-explain 
function than to write documentation that explains code that was simple to 
write at the time.

Does that sentence make sense? In other words, write documentation that clearly 
explains what will be accomplished by the function. You are probably talented 
enough to write code that implements it. OTOH if you write the code first you 
may write code that makes sense when you write it, but that ends up being very 
hard to explain.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Seymour J Metz
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 1:24 AM
Subject: Re: Coding for the future

Well, I was 16 when I started, so bad habits were predictable. The worst was 
using arbitrary labels because I could.

I never hated long variable names. However, I do use single letter names for 
control variables in extremely short loops. I don't use long names as an excuse 
for pretending that code can be self documenting - I still write comments.

I didn't comment adequately in my early years. Within a few year I routinely 
had comments up front describing, e.g., the meaning of each parameter.

On the flip side, I got into the habit of using symbolic register names so that 
registers would show up in the XREF listing, but that's no longer necessary.

> 4) This isn't exactly a bad-coding issue, but as much as possible I
> want
> input arguments on a command to come in any order I happen to think of
> at the time.

That's one of the few weaknesses of REXX compared to CLIST; no keyword 
parameters. It's actually easier to parse TSO command operands in assembler 
than in REXX. I wish that REXX included XPARSE, or an equivalent to the Perl 
Getopt::Long package. Even the PROC statement of CLIST would be an improvement.

> i'm just curious about other issues that y'all are careful about that
> you weren't when we were young and foolish.

It's been decades since I wrote any MVS code that wan't reentrant and 

I try to avoid monolithic code blocks and relegate major sections to 
subroutines even if I only use them once.

Tricky code requires good comments. The cleverest code is when the reader asks 
"Why didn't I think of that?". Obscure code contests are for recreation, not 
for code that has to work correctly and be maintained.

I used to write throw-away tools in the sure and certain knowledge that I would 
only use them once. These days I am a lot less confident about predicting that 
I'll never have to update them.

I developed the habit of writing documentation first, and changing the 
documentation before changing the code. It has served me well.

I've found that seeking a fresh pair of eyes to spot a bug can overcome a 
mental blind spot; in the process of explaining how the code is supposed to 
work, I sometimes have an "Oh! Never mind." moment.

Code reviews and design reviews are not fads.

If I have to patch, I use a zap-maker.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of Bob 
Bridges [robhbrid...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 6:06 PM
Subject: Coding for the future

In a recent email one of our number, whose name I won't mention except to say 
that his initials are Jeremy Nicoll, made a comment that got me thinking about 
~my~ past and present coding habits.

Like most programmers (maybe), I had some habits that I no longer tolerate.
For example:

1) I used to hate long-winded variable names.  Ok, that's a bad example to 
start with, because I still do.  But I no longer use one-character variable 
names, ever; I use two- to four-character names if they're to be used only in 
one brief section, but if they're supposed to last longer I make them more 
descriptive; and even the shorter ones follow a naming standard that I'm 
familiar with.  It wouldn't be any help to someone else who had to modify my 
code, though.

2) I know everyone says to comment your work, but I never used to.  "I'm the 
only one who'll use this code", I thought, "and I know what I did".  Oh, fool!  
I can forget what I was doing a mere two months later, much less two years or 
two decades.  So now I'm more likely to use one-line comments on every other 
line and a paragraph at the head of each section.  Well, perhaps I exaggerate, 
but not much.

3) Not for me, any longer, to assume that my TSO commands will work correctly.  
For pretty much every interaction with the outside world I include checks for 
file-not-found, empty datasets, missing non-optional arguments, anything I can 
think of.  I want my programs to go on working long after I've forgotten how to 
invoke them properly.

4) This isn't exactly a bad-coding issue, but as much as possible I want the 
input arguments on a command to come in any order I happen to think of them at 
the time.  My routine to search through a concatenation of PDSs for a 
particular module has to receive the DD and module name in a particular order, 
but mostly it's possible to say "tso command arg1 arg2 arg3" or "tso command 
arg2 arg1 arg3" without any confusion.

5) One thing hasn't changed:  Like most of us here, I was ~always~ rabid about 
proper indentation.  (Where by "proper" I mean "consistent"; I know styles can 
vary, but as long as there's no variation...)

I'm just curious about other issues that y'all are careful about that maybe you 
weren't when we were young and foolish.

Bob Bridges, robhbrid...@gmail.com, cell 336 382-7313

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