On 2022-01-06 20:40 PM, Bob Bridges wrote:
Other things may have seemed reasonable to the inventors of JCL, but later 
usage proved there were better ways.  Tough; it is what it is, now, and very 
few improvements can be made to it without invalidating bazillions of lines of 
existing JCL code
On 2022-01-06 21:20 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
    ..., and very few improvements can be made to it without invalidating 
bazillions of lines of existing JCL code, ...

That's a fallacy akin to asserting that Rexx or Python could not be
adopted without invalidating bazillions of lines of existing Assembler code.
JCL could coexist with its successor.

Quoting a slightly larger part of Bob's statement, it's clear that he was talking about obstacles to making improvements in JCL, not about some replacement. Apples and oranges.


Regards, Gord Tomlin
Action Software International
(a division of Mazda Computer Corporation)
Tel: (905) 470-7113, Fax: (905) 470-6507

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