Andrew Rowley wrote:
>It would benefit customers, software vendors and IBM if IBM could get
>these small systems onto more reasonably sized hardware. We get a
>certain pleasure from extracting everything possible from a small
>system, but in reality it's not productive work.

That’s been happening, actually. Take a look at the minimum configurable CP 
(general purpose processor) “PCIs” per IBM’s LSPR data:

z10BC: 25
z114: 26
zBC12: 50
z13s: 80
z14 ZR1: 88
z15 T02: 98*

As I recall the Multiprise 2000 went down as low as ~3.5 PCIs. So over roughly 
25 years it’s been about 3.5 to 98 PCIs as the minimum available CP 
configuration, or about a 28X increase. Insert the usual caveats that “PCI” 
comparisons are perilous, particularly over this broad range of machines.

IBM doesn’t mandate configuring a zIIP in part because z/VSE and VSEn cannot 
use a zIIP. But IBM generally recommends configuring at least one zIIP if you 
run z/OS. zIIPs are (or were) available for all of these models and also for 
the z9BC.

* As Marna mentioned the IBM z15 models have System Recovery Boost. The IBM z15 
T02 capacity model A01 would actually run equivalently to a Z01 capacity model 
during System Recovery Boost (60 minutes), or with even greater capacity if 
equipped with a zIIP. An IBM z15 T02 capacity model Z01 has a PCI rating of 

— — — — —
Timothy Sipples
Senior Architect
Digital Assets, Industry Solutions, and Cyber Security
IBM zSystems and LinuxONE

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