Mike Schwab asked:
>Doesn't IBM also allow software capping to a lower capacity than the
>slowest uniprocessor through the operating system?

Yes, but usually you wouldn’t do that for IBM software licensing reasons. 
That’s because the A01 capacity model uniquely qualifies for IBM zSystems Entry 
License Charges (“zELC”) from IBM.


Andrew Rowley wrote:
>I did say "a small" system in the 1990s, not the smallest available. But
>your 28X illustrates the point. Over the same period, other platforms
>have increased what, 1000X? More?

That’s even more difficult to characterize, but (eyeballing it) 1000X must be 
too high.

To back up a couple steps, if you have either of these machines:

any IBM zSystems machine with at least one zIIP
any IBM z15 machine or higher

then you should be fine, right? Having a zIIP gives you plenty of horsepower 
for z/OSMF, and having an IBM z15 gives you System Recovery Boost which gives 
you…plenty of horsepower for z/OSMF at least during the first 60 minutes. (It’s 
the z/OSMF startup that can take a long time on a low capacity configuration. 
One or more zIIPs is still a REALLY good idea, including for SRB as it happens. 
But for z/OSMF specifically, for getting z/OS installed, SRB should fit the 

OK, so what’s left? It’s specifically small capacity IBM z13s and IBM z14 ZR1 
machines without zIIPs. z/OS 2.5 doesn’t run on any machine prior to IBM z13s, 
so this pending change doesn’t affect any prior models. But (good news!) you 
can still order and install z/OS 2.5 without z/OSMF for these particular 
machines. That’s the whole purpose of this thread, to alert you to the last 
CustomPac ordering date. And you could still start and run z/OSMF on a small 
capacity zIIP-less machine without SRB, but it can take a long time (wall clock 

Please talk with your “friendly IBM representative” if you’re going to have any 
difficulties here. But if you fit this profile:

* run z/OS
* small capacity IBM z13s or IBM z14 ZR1
* no zIIPs

then please order z/OS 2.5 with CustomPac before the deadline, just in case you 
need it. There shouldn’t be any additional charge to place an order if you’re 
already a z/OS licensee.

If that’s STILL not enough, please “talk with your friendly IBM 
representative.” These people are generally reasonable.

— — — — —
Timothy Sipples
Senior Architect
Digital Assets, Industry Solutions, and Cyber Security
IBM zSystems and LinuxONE

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