Hello. I am a high school student who has recently purchased a z114 mainframe 
(I have posted about the project before here). I have been working to find CKD 
storage for my machine, so that I can do a proper z/OS installation. I have an 
opportunity to acquire a DS8884 storage unit that I know has the licences 
required for mainframe attach. Unfortunately, the person who owns it it knows 
very little about the unit, and all of the drives have been removed. The owner 
claims that they have all of the CDs to do a full restore to factory settings, 
but they have not sent over pictures of the CDs. Is it really possible to fully 
restore one of these units with just disks? Additionally, if the disks aren't 
available, can the unit be restored without them? I am aware that getting the 
unit back up and running may take some work, but I am welling to put in the 
effort, as CKD storage is extremely difficult to find, but I don't want to 
embark on an impossible project. I would appreciate any information that you 
may have that could help me ensure that I can get the machine up and running 
before I commit to shipping it.

Thank you,
Enzo Damato?

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