Beverly Caldwell wrote:
>If zosmf is the answer what the hell was the question?

I’m going to take that as a straight question. I assume the question was, “How 
do we make z/OS easier to install and maintain for folks who don’t have any 
grey hair yet?”

This is essentially the same question that led to GUIs in general. The problem 
is that it’s not trivial to answer—putting some lipstick on the pig doesn’t 
always do it: sometimes you need to restructure the pig. 
<possibly insert “waste of time and it annoys the pig” joke>

I’m reminded of the Windows version of the Relay/Gold terminal emulator, which 
was acquired by VM Systems Group when I was there. Under certain SDLC error 
conditions, it would drop out of the Windows UI into a DOS error dialog. Which 
was not really recoverable, since it needed someone to press a key. At one 
point a customer was considering buying a power strip that plugged into a phone 
line and could be called to cause it to power cycle, as they had an automated 
process that would be stopped when this error occurred. Talk about a Rube 
Goldberg solution! I’m sure the real fix was a single line of code somewhere, 
but finding that was non-trivial, of course. Especially since Relay/Gold was 
written in x86 assembler, a non-standard variant from a dead company. So there 
were no diagnostic tools to speak of. And as a tiny vendor, we didn’t have the 
hardware to even simulate the error…Good times. /s

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