On Sat, 10 Aug 2013 03:53:17 +0200, Bernd Oppolzer wrote:

>There was a time when there were no fancy compiler options
>like DLL, RENT, LONGNAME etc., and even then C programs
>had to be (and could be) ported to the mainframe, and that's the
>time when I started that business, and #pragma map was my primary
>option. As long as we are in the C world, everything is fine, because
>every C source includes a header, which translates the long names
>into short names (for the linker) by a large list of #pragma map
>statements - but when other languages try to call us (be it COBOL,
>FORTRAN, or PL/1), they use the short (8 char) uppercase names.
Do you feel that way only because it's so tedious to multi-punch
those lowercase characters on your 029 keypunch?

-- gil

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