On 9/15/2013 10:22 PM, Timothy Sipples wrote:
If there's a useful reason PDSEs ... ought to be available earlier in the z/OS 
IPL sequence, let IBM know through the appropriate channels.

This is a well-known requirement. It is embarrassingly restrictive that LPALSTxx cannot reference a PDSE.

The workaround for those that must load program obejcts into LPA--suggested by IBM in this very forum--is to write a small HLASM bootstrap program that issues CSVDYLPA to load the necessary program object(s) into LPA and take steps to somehow ensure it executes early enough e.g., as a system exit, subsystem initialization routine, etc. (Note: Some products might be able to get away with SETPROG LPA,ADD commands specified through COMMNDxx.)

z/OS developers should not have to write such bootstrap programs to have LPA-resident program objects.

At the very least, there should be a parmlib member with a list of data sets, analogous to LPALSTxx (LPADYNxx?), that the system will use to automatically populate dynamic LPA during system initialization at the earliest possible opportunity after PDSE support becomes active. At least this would do away with the need for every developer to "roll" his/her own solution.

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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