At 10/30/2013 09:40 AM, John McKown wrote:
Being a Linux bigot (only use Windows at work), I am wondering if there is
any documentation on SPFPRO or other ISPF-like environments. In particular,
do these products emulate all of ISPF or only the ISPF editor? Can the
editor run macros? If so, only REXX or can it use other scripting
facilities such as Windows "command" scripts or maybe even some other
scripting language?


Unfortunately, SPF/PRO was orphaned by CTC when they introduced SPF/SE. As indicated previously, I did not at all like SPF/SE, so I stuck with SPF/PRO.

Since SPF/PRO is orphaned, you cannot get it from CTC, and if you, like me, have a legacy copy, you have to put up with a couple of annoying bugs that CTC refuses to fix.

Since SPF/PRO has met (and continues to meet) my needs both as a file managed, as a blazingly fast searching tool and as a text editor, I have not extensively investigated alternatives.

Dave Cole
ColeSoft Marketing
414 Third Street, NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902
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