On Tue, 26 Nov 2013 20:44:12 +0200, Itschak Mugzach wrote:

>Use different types and you can have tens of "same names" elements.
I believe that's somewhat new; perhaps newer than Phil's experience,
so don't fault him.

>On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Phil Smith wrote:
>> I have a load module that contains a WXTRN reference. If the WXTRN
>> resolves, it gets called to do specialized processing in some specialized
>> environments; the goal was to maximize code reuse.
>> I need to generate both versions of the load module via SMP/E. Will that
>> work? So the APPLY step needs to point to a different SYSLMOD DD for that
>> second link, I assume, but are there other "gotchas" here? ISTR being
>> surprised that I couldn't have BANANA (assembler source deck member) and
>> BANANA (macro) in the same SMP/E, um, thingy (CSI?), even though they were
>> in different libraries. But since this is output, not input, I'm hoping
>> it's possible.
I believe the load module names must be unique, even if they are in different
SYSLMODs.  But I don't believe aliases are so constrained.  Would using
a meaningless name with an ALIAS to the name you use work for you?
(You might need to provide ENTRY statements for both names.)

-- gil

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