
I was interested in Skips item.
I was thinking about it after I read it and (I did not come up with the share codes like you did) thought it as an idea (not sure yet if its good or bad). The slight problem I could foresee is that a vendor might come up with their on "code" that conflicted with a company standard and then the fun begins. I haven't decided whether its a good/bad idea (yet) but it is something to think about (thanks Skip).


On Jan 22, 2014, at 1:13 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

On Wed, 22 Jan 2014 07:48:42 -0800, Skip Robinson wrote:

Good catch. In my recent SHARE pitch on system symbols, I strongly
recommend that all installation-defined symbols be a full eight characters long regardless of initially anticipated value. In addition, I recommend that all such symbols be prefixed with an installation identifier, such
as SHARE company code, to clearly identify them as user defined. This
practice will also group installation symbols together in a D SYMBOLS

Where are the SHARE company codes listed?  What is their domain of
applicability?  Do these exist in parallel and in contention with IBM
registered component prefixes.

In a universe with less archaic length restrictions, the custom is to incorporate
a registered domain name, rewritten big-endian.  IBM shows some slight
adherence to this in such as:


What!?  not "com.IBM"?

I surely wish SMP/E SYSMOD IDs were so flexible that we could
incorporate a corporate ID (preferably domain name) in PTF

From:   Tom Marchant
Date:   01/22/2014 05:42 AM


No. As documented, "The length of the resolved substitution text cannot
exceed the length of &symbol, including the ampersand on &symbol and
excluding the single quotation marks on 'sub-text'."

So your example is not valid.

An abomination; it ain't that hard to code a routine that substitutes
values longer than their names.  Doesn't that work for JCL symbols?

But they can *never*fix*it* if, as I assume, the symbol substituting
facility has no way to report a buffer overflow, and (some) callers are
in no position to handle an error if one were reported.

-- gil

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