> I have not reassembled as the pointers and offsets have not changed.
> There are no abends and I know the code is not being called.  As far
> as I know all system messages are still coming out. I have a 
> development system and I've set the code to abend if it gets called 
> and nothing happens.
> Our routine is looking for IEF287I messages to detect C'NOT CATLGD 
> 2' messages.  We hook ourselves in front of the IBM routine and then
> branch to the original code once we've noted the NOT CATLGD 2 to our
> system. When I look at my job that tests the NOT CATLGD 2, there are
> two sets of messages dealing with this issue.  In the JOBLOG, the 
> following message comes out:
> IEF377I NOTCAT2 STEP6  440 
> In the MSGLOG the following message comes out:
> IEF287I   OPS.NOTCAT2.TEST4                            NOT CATLGD  2
> (this is the one we've always looked for).
> I first thought the change was that IEF377I replaced the IEF287I and
> I changed the routine to look for either but I still didn't get my 
> notification so I changed the code to abend to make sure it was 
> getting called (development so hard abends would not be a problem) 
> but everything works fine - except I don't get called which also 
> means the original IEFGB400 program wouldn't have been called either.
> I am looking for why the JESGB400/IEFGB400 isn't being called (JES 
> or SYSTEM parmlib parameter??) or what replaced that message 
> processor. I'm not sure how to setup a trap when it doesn't look 
> like the JESGB400 pointer is being used at all.

  IEFGB400 is a tiny module located below the 16MB line which
does nothing but issue a PUT macro in 24-bit addressing mode.
It created in the days when PUT could not be called in
31-bit addressing mode.  That restriction being long gone,
the allocation message module was changed in z/OS 1.10 to
do its PUT directly, instead of calling IEFGB400.  So your
method of modifying JESGB400 in order to intercept allocation
joblog messages will no longer work, as of z/OS 1.10. 

Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY

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