On Sun, 9 Mar 2014 08:52:02 -0400, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) 
<shmuel+ibm-m...@patriot.net> wrote:

> on 03/08/2014  at 09:07 PM, Paul Gilmartin said:
>>The syntactic restrictions are different.  There are parameter
>>strings that I can pass with EXEC that % disallows.
>Such as?
A string containing an unmatched apostrophe.  It's been a long time;
I can only re-create with a pointless example.  Here's my REXX exec:

    /* REXX Useful! */ interpret arg(1)

And it was in an ISPSTART context; something like:

    ispstart cmd( exec 'user.clist(rexx)' 'say arg( 1 ); exit; ''' )

which prints:

    ispstart cmd( exec 'user.clist(rexx)' 'say arg( 1 ); exit; ''' )
     say arg( 1 ); exit; '

Note the single apostrophe in the output.  I don't remember why I
needed that apostrophe (or something similar), but I can get it with
EXEC, not with '%'

-- gil

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