mf db wrote:

>I am working on the upgrade plan for one of our product. The product has 
>several VSAM files that also needs to repro'ed to a newly created VSAM for the 
>newer version of product.

It is VSAM datasets, not files. Why REPRO? Layout of record changes? 
Performance? Backout to old version? Moving and modifying some or all records? 
Alternate Index(es) changes?

>1 ) Is it good to use the same old VSAM for the Newer Release of Product(After 
>a upgrade) ? I understand the Older VSAM might have some CI splits to avoid 
>that the Product Guide suggest to do a repro.

Like Ted, I would also say, probably not YES. If the vendor says, you need to 
REPRO to new datasets, you better listen to them.

>2 ) Is there a way to examine the OLDer vsam file for any error ? So That I 
>can correct those Error and start using the same File. I am just looking for a 
>VSAM utility which can examine the VSAM error, so that I can correct those 

Use IDCAMS diagnostic tools. If the records / keys layout changed, you need to 
do the hard work (perhaps trying to read all and every records) yourself, 
unless the same vendor supplies the diagnostic tools.

What type of error(s) on those datasets are you expecting?

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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