OTOH, we're already digesting SYSLIN to generate CSECT parameters
for SMP/E ++MOD MCS.  It would be quite natural to append Binder
IDENTIFY commands at that point.  But I believe SMP/E doesn't
recognize Binder commands appearing in SYSLIN.

Huh? I assume you're talking about the SYSLIN for a link edit step in JCLIN. SMP/E recognizes some binder control statements, and some it does not. INCLUDE, NAME, CHANGE, REPLACE, and ALIAS are recognized and processed very specifically. Any other control statements found in the JCLIN, including IDENTIFY, are not "recognized" by SMP/E, but rather are simply saved and passed somewhat blindly to the binder when the load module (or program object) is linked.

Passing IDENTIFY blindly to the binder would likely give you incorrect results, because as I think someone already mentioned, IDENTIFY must follow the module it is associated with, and SMP/E does not preserve this association for IDENTIFY.

If you want to use IDENTIFY, you should append it to the module object deck described by ++MOD. This is how IBM does it for many (all?) of its PTFS.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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